Easy-ish Website Promo
If you have been part of the Facebook Group looking at how easy it can be to build your own website then this is the page for you.
£59 for one year of hosting
Plus a free .co.uk Domain Name

WordPress plus Hosting
Safe & Secure
If you’ve been following the Facebook Units presented by Mandy and Neil then you can sign up here for your Hosting and Domain name
For £59 you receive hosting for a year along with your .co.uk Domain Name of choice. We’ll set up WordPress for you so you can start utilising the skills your have built up over the duration of the course.
After the first year is up you will be on our starter package of just £4 per month
Plus you get a FREE SSL – Many platforms charge you extra for a SSL certificate and we’re providing it free of charge.
The click here button below will take you to where you can choose your domain name.
Easy ish
You can read more about how we responded to the Pandemic to help Counsellors get online through our weekly workshops.

Sign Up
And get started today!
- 1 Site
- 3GB Storage
- Support
- 3 Email Addresses
Free Events
Have you always wanted to build your own website but also been terrified of starting in case it all goes wrong?
We have a free Facebook group where not only do you get access to free weekly bite-size content, but you also get to be a part of community who are going through the same journey as you.
Our main intention is to ‘keep it simple’ so we break down the acronyms, de-bunk the myths and give you some great information.
Here’s some of the topics we’ve covered so far.
Finding Your Audience
One of the first building blocks when thinking about marketing – who do you want to market to? We found out why it’s so important, and what questions to ask yourself along the way.
Web Site - Platforms
Worried by Wix or WordPress. Stressed by Squarespace? In this session we discuss the different platforms and what they do.
Q and A sessions
Every month we do a zoom Q and A session to pick up any questions that haven’t been answered in the group. Free to join in.
Creating and Grading Content
Images, Video, Copy (words!). Learn what you need and how you can get started on creating it.
Marketing Basics
Who is your market? How will you reach them? What will you tell them? When should you do it? Marketing 101 de-mystifies digital marketing and gives you some solid actionable to-do’s to take away.
De-bunking SEO
Search Engine Optimisation – SEO, can be a complex beast but we break it down into managable chunks.
Wordpress Basics
Themes? Plugins? Widgets? Whatjamacallits? We take you through the lingo, and point out three easy steps to get going.
Listings and Channels
Always keen to extract full value from our listings, we look at Google My Business, Bing’s alternative and counselling listings.
Still Not Sure If this Is Right for You?
If you’re still not sure if this is right for you then drop us a message and we can call you back to see if we can advise you further.